Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Six Months and Counting

I missed my six months of being back in the US mark . It came and went uneventfully last week on March 19. I celebrated it sans blog and nose to the grind at the new job. Yes. The new job that has been keeping me from blogging. New job that has me on my feet for seven and a half hours straight and teen-age daughter, that is. Teenage daughter who has our laptop perennially attached to her hands to be exact.

So today, as said daughter was in the middle of reviewing for her college placing exam, while I checked my e-mail, I sneaked in this blog. I don't know what has been tiring me more. The having to stand on my feet all day long, the constant refilling, re-stocking and replenishing of food and beverages where I work, or the thirty minute break for lunch that never seems to be long enough?

I have so much more to say than the nothing I have been saying since my last post but let's keep this one short and sweet... and painless, and limit my thoughts to a simple "Thank you for cheering me on while I looked high and low for a job."

Now that I have one, the question now is whether or not I should find another one to bring more money in. Or another job altogether. Or be still and keep this one and see what happens.

The nametag? I decided to use my old radio name. It makes for an interesting conversation when guests ask if my real name is Josephine. I get to tell them that I used to have a morning show... in the Philippines. No one seems to be shocked that nowadays, I make coffee and clean tables at a lounge. If anything, they are amused at my sense of humor and enjoy that I keep the coffee and pastries coming.

Call it a captive audience. Only this time, I don't have a microphone but I have lots of food.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dear Blog Reader

It's been exactly 62 days since I last posted an entry. Assuming you have been dropping by periodically to see what's been going on and whether I finally got a job, I have good news and good reason to explain my absence. I did get a job!

I am not at liberty to divulge the specifics of where it is that I work (pending further research into the organization's blogging policy) but I can say that I am at an important hotel here in Orlando and that I am a Concierge. I am having a blast putting all of my past experience to good use in this my first Hospitality/ Hotel position.

While I have much to say on how I'm transitioning into this new role, I'll save this for another blog for when I have more time to write and when I'm not rushing an entry. Like now.

The biggest challenge of not being my usual cyber-addicted self is having to share a laptop with an eighteen year-old. We need another computer! This, and the tired that hits me after work and the need to make dinner or wash dishes clamor for my time. This concept was alien to me in the Philippines. More on this in yet another future blog.

(Notes to self to blog about: working in operations, the "luxury" of live-in help, credit or debit, joining the diaspora.)

So that's where I disappeared to. Thank you for your visits!

As ever,